Don't mind Pierce and Hunnicutt, they're both first rate surgons. Sure,
they'll show up to role call in their bathrobes. They keep a still in their
tent. Once they ran all my underwear up the flagpole. But I want you to
understand it's an honor to serve with these men. -- Margaret
You've gotta understand I'm not working on sick people here. I'm working
on hurt young people, with essentially healthy bodies that have been insulted
by ammunition. -- BJ
A war is like when it rains in New York and everybody crowds into doorways,
ya know? And they all get chummy together. Perfect strangers. The only
difference, of course, is in a war it's also raining on the other side
of the street and the people who are chummy over there are trying to kill
the people who are over here who are chums. -- Hawkeye
Well, boys, it would be hard to call what we've been through fun, but
I'm sure glad we went through it together. You boys always managed to give
me a good laugh right when I needed it most. Never forget the time you
dropped Winchester's drawers in the O.R. 'Course I had to pretend I was
mad at ya, but inside I was laughing to beat all hell. -- Potter in FGA
Listen, when you love somebody, you're always in trouble. There's only
two things you can do about it: either stop loving 'em, or love 'em a whole
lot more. -- Potter
I'll be Head of Thoracic Surgery at Boston Mercy Hospital. So my life
will go on pretty much as I expected. With one exception. For me, music
has always been a refuge from this miserable experience, and now it will
always be a reminder. -- Charles
Frank, do you know what a hero is? Ninety-mine times out of a hundred,
he's somebody who's tired enough and cold enough and hungry enough not
to give a damn. I don't give a damn. -- Hawkeye
The younger they get, the older I get. -- Hawkeye
Sidney: Is it true that God answers all prayers?
Cpt. Chandler: Yes, but sometimes the answer is no.
(I like this one, it really seems very logical)
[Hawkeye and B.J. bid farewell to each other]
Hawkeye: Look, I know how tough it is for you to say goodbye, so I'LL
say it. Maybe you're right, maybe we WILL see each other again, but just
in case we don't, I want you to know how much you've meant to me. I'll
never be able to shake you; whenever I see a pair of big feet or a cheesy
mustache, I'll think of you.
B.J.: Whenever I smell month-old socks, I'll think of YOU.
Hawkeye: Or the next time somebody nails my shoe to the floor...
B.J.: ...or when somebody gives me a martini that tastes like lighter
Hawkeye: I'll miss you.
B.J.: I'll miss YOU. A lot. I can't imagine what this place would've
been like if I hadn't found you here!
Look, the Army hates to see a man grin. Makes 'em feel like they've
failed somehow. But moan and groan and carry on and they'll leave you all
to your lonesome. Long as they know your miserable they're happy. -- Rizzo
Look, you can't lay all that on my shoulders. Don't you know how much
this place stinks? Don't you know what it's like to stand day after day
in blood? In the blood of children? I hate this place. And if I can't stand
up to it to your satisfaction, then --- then the hell with it. How dare
you? The hell with your Iowa naivete, and the hell with your hero worship
and your teddy bear, and while you're at it, the hell with you. Why don't
you grow up for crying out loud? I'm not here for you to admire. I'm here
to pull bodies out of a sausage grinder -- if possible, without going crazy.
Period. -- Hawkeye
Listen, Colonel, um... Sherman. You can give me 100 good reasons to
leave, and I can't give you one good reason to stay. Stay anyway. -- Hawkeye
Beej, you oughta sit back sometime and listen to the war. It sounds
as bad as it looks. -- Hawkeye